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Our Mobile, Alabama, Car Accident Lawyers Explain the Hands-Free Bill That Could Become Law

Many states across the U.S. have adopted hands-free laws that make it illegal to hold a cellphone or any electronic device while driving. While the first attempt to make Alabama a hands-free state failed last May when the State Senate denied the House bill, state lawmakers are pushing again to get a hands-free bill passed this session, WHNT19 reported.

As Mobile, Alabama, car accident lawyers, we see the consequences of distracted driving every day. We believe stricter texting and driving laws can’t come quickly enough and we hope this proposed bill is a step in the right direction towards reducing distracted driving accidents.

Continue reading to learn more about distracted driving and what the Alabama hands-free law could mean for you.

The Human Toll of Distracted Driving

pedestrian accident - man using a phone while driving a carThe reason hands-free laws are making their way across the nation is largely due to the mass destruction this form of distracted driving has caused in each state. In 2017 alone, over 3,000 lives were lost in distracted driving-related accidents. Although using a phone while driving makes you 23 times more likely to crash, one out of three people still makes the decision to swipe or click.

Alabama locals Sherry Jolly and David Little both demonstrated the trauma a distracted driving accident can cause after sharing their personal stories at a press conference at the Huntsville Police Department.

“It was simply a matter of a few seconds that he picked up his cell phone and he crossed over a two-lane road,” said Sherry Jolly, who tragically lost her 24-year-old son to a distracted driver.

David Little said he spent 16 days in the hospital recovering from a distracted driving crash. To this day, Sherry and David are still affected by these incidents caused by distracted drivers.

“I often feel like I’m a distracted driver now because I’m looking out for distracted drivers,” Little said.

When drivers pick up their cell phones while behind the wheel, they’re putting their lives and the lives of other drivers at risk. Implementing a hands-free law could help to reduce the number of lives unnecessarily taken on Alabama roads.

States With Hands-Free Laws See Fewer Accidents

Road Through a Forest in the Mountains and Blue Sky with CloudsIn a report published by the American Journal of Public Health, it was revealed that states with a ban on texting while driving saw a decrease in distracted driving-related emergency room visits. Between 2007 and 2014, emergency rooms in states with a texting ban saw an average of 1,632 fewer traffic accident-related patients.

This research makes it clear that minimizing phone use while driving reduces the number of distracted driving accidents. While texting and driving is already illegal in Alabama, backers of the new hands-free bill hope the state will go even further to keep our roads safe.

Organizers want to see Alabama follow Georgia’s lead, as the state saw a drop in deadly crashes involving pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles after going hands-free. Data has shown that hands-free laws cause drivers to type and swipe significantly less, resulting in fewer crashes and more saved lives, WHNT19 reported.

Our Mobile, Alabama, car accident lawyers hope that we join the growing list of states that have passed hands-free laws.

Were You Hurt by a Distracted Driver?

While passing a hands-free law will hopefully help prevent distracted driving accidents in our communities, the unfortunate reality is that not everyone follows the rules of the road.

If you suffer serious injuries or lose a loved one due to a distracted driver, it’s important to know that you have rights. Our Mobile, Alabama, car accident lawyers help injured people and their families across Baldwin County fight for the justice and compensation they deserve after an accident that wasn’t their fault.

You can call us to speak with one of our attorneys at 251-432-2277 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case evaluation.

Together, we can hold distracted drivers responsible for their careless actions.

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