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Dog Bite Injury

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dog bite injury mobile alabama attorneyDog bites are one of the most common claims against homeowner insurance policies. Statistics from the Center for Disease Control show that each year, dogs bite about one in every fifty Americans.

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it is important to understand the laws and limitations that you’ll have to work with when seeking compensation for your losses. The local laws that affect your case may vary from one place to another, so the information you read about from one jurisdiction may not be applicable. For example, many communities have different restrictions on pet ownership that could affect your case.

Some of the factors that should be taken into account when evaluating your case include local laws governing pet ownership and owner responsibility, and local laws that define and regulate aggressive dogs.

Depending on where the attack occurred, dog owners may be required to abide by different regulations affecting the care and control of their pets. A competent, experienced Alabama dog bite injury lawyer can help establish what laws are applicable in your case, and help you build your case more effectively.

Some jurisdictions treat the problem of aggressive dogs differently. It is essential to understand how the local laws define and treat these issues before moving forward with your case.

Because dog bite cases can vary so greatly depending on the location of the attack, the circumstances surrounding it, the extent of the injuries, and other factors, it is essential that after a dog bite you have competent legal representation to help them navigate the complexities of their case.

To speak to an attorney with experience in dog bite litigation, call The Long Brothers today at (251) 432-2277 and schedule your free, no-obligation consultation. Our firm serves clients in Mobile and Baldwin County, Alabama.

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