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In an instance where you the insured experience a damage to your property, to your home, to your business, to the contents or anything else you may have insured, what one often doesn’t realize is that these claims are very subjective in nature and that the damages are very negotiable. There is no computer software that the adjuster working for the insurance company can just throw in a valuation and come up with a number and say this is your number. That is completely incorrect. It is all determined by the subjectivity of how each claim is viewed. With our team of experts they used to work for the insurance companies. They have over 40 years of experience in adjusting. The subjective nature of adjusting allows the claim to be presented in your best interest. More importantly as an attorney we negotiate. I’m attorney Bennett Long with the local law firm of Long & Long. If you have questions about any of the matters we’ve discussed, any case, or any legal matter please call us today for a free consultation. You can reach me in Mobile at our office area code 251-432-4848

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